How many acres of land you need to hunt depends on many factors.
Factors such as the type of hunting being done, the terrain and vegetation of the land, the type of game being hunted, and the hunting method being used all go into the calculation.
For example, small game such as rabbits and squirrels can be hunted effectively on smaller tracts of land, while larger game such as deer or elk may require larger areas.
It is also important to note that hunting laws and regulations vary by location and may have specific requirements or restrictions on the amount of land that can be hunted. It is important to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your area before hunting on public land.
If you are hunting on public land, the size of the land needed for hunting deer will depend on the specific regulations in the area where you are hunting.
In Arkansas, for example, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) manages hunting on public lands, including state wildlife management areas, national forests, and Corps of Engineers lands.
In Pennsylvannia, you will need to ask the Pennsylvannia Game Commission. You get the idea!
The AGFC has specific regulations in place for hunting deer on public lands, including hunting seasons, bag limits, and hunting methods. It is important to familiarize yourself with the regulations in your state before hunting on public land.
If you are hunting on private land, you will need to obtain permission from the landowner to hunt on their property. At some point if you are a keen and regular hunter, you will consider whether you should buy your own hunting land.

Can I lease land for hunting?
Leasing can be a good option for some people. It makes sense if you only go hunting once or twice a year or if you need land close to town and have a small budget.
However, if you like to hunt most weekends, or just love being out in nature more regularly, it is worthwhile to have a look around at what is available in the areas you like to hunt and start putting a plan together to own some land for yourself and your family.
You could also plan to build your family dream home on it. Or keep it as a rural getaway- place a trailer or a shipping container home for you and your hunting buddies.
As the landowner, you have much to gain from leasing land to hunters. It can be very lucrative depending on the property. Plus, there will be potentially less work for you- as the hunters will be doing a lot of your property management for you and maintaining a healthy game population.
Here are a couple of great sites where you can start to check out leases in your area: and Hunting Land Rental By Owners
How many acres of land do you need to hunt?
The answer of course- is “it depends.
Here are some of the factors to consider:
The type of wildlife you plan on hunting
How many people will be hunting with you
Your style of hunting (rifle hunting, bowhunting)
You need to consider that if the area is less than 10acres, you can be very close to a neighbor’s property without realising it.
This can be dangerous if you are rifle hunting.
Also animals of course have no idea or care about a surveyor’s plat map. It is extremely likely they will wander onto a neighbor’s property.
With hunting, of course, the bigger the acreage you have to play in, the better.
If there are two or more hunters with rifles, it is best practice to have at least 25 acres. It is much safer (for your neighbors and also for the members in your party) to have 50acres.

What about bow hunting?
Bow-hunting is a different story. It is possible to have a party of multiple people on 10 acres.
If it is just one person, you can usually even have a great days hunting on just 5acres.
What about the type of game?
For hunting turkeys and birds, you want a mix of open terrain, some wooded terrain and ideally have a water source.
Also keep in mind that if you are shooting in the air, be respectful to your neighbors who do not want to be showered in pellets dropping from the sky.
A water source is of course attractive to most animals- including birds, hogs and deer. Properties that do have water will be more expensive to purchase.
What are the best hunting properties?
When you are inspecting a property to purchase for hunting purposes.
A water source will give you the best source of attracting game and birds. If you have no water, then you will see less wildlife.
However, your property might next to a neighbor that does have a water source. It is possible that the wildlife may cross your property to get to the water.
It all depends on the property and your knowledge of how animals move around the area.
Look out for animal tracks and other signs of evidence that animals move around on the property while you are inspecting your future hunting property.
It is also good to have a mix of clear areas and wooded areas.
A range of topography will keep it interesting- some hilly areas provides variety and a challenge that many are looking for.
The type of trees can also raise the price of potential property.
Hardwoods typically have acorns that attract deer.
Some hunters like to set up tree stands and can leave them in place all year round.
Some hunters like to build overnight cabins on their property especially if they live far away.
Check out the land we have available at the moment. If you see one you like, get in touch right away- as naturally the best properties go fast. And hunting properties are often the best properties.
Another consideration is access- How do you get to the property?
Good access is mostly better.
Though some hunters prefer properties that are on a dirt rd and somewhat hard to get to. This keeps day trippers and nosy people away.
However you need to consider that it also makes it harder for you to get in and out, if there were to be a medical emergency- like someone was seriously injured.
Some hunters, offset the purchase price of buying the property by leasing it out to other hunters or to hunting clubs.
This can be a good source of revenue for the times you know that you won’t be using the property.
If the property is slightly more than the funds available to you right now, you can ask the seller if they will consider an owner finance deal where you can pay it it off over some time. However be respectful and make a decent offer if you do this. Eg if the property you want costs $80,000, do not offer to pay them $100/month over the next 800 years! (Seriously- people do this!).
To be accepted, you need to make a sizeable down payment and decent payments to show you are serious and have the means and the intent to pay it off.
Things to watch out for when buying hunting property
You need to not only inspect the property in question, but also consider the area and potential long terms plans for the area and especially the neighboring properties.
Check with the county planning and zoning to make sure that there are no re-zoning plans. Check if there are any plans approved to site a new massive industrial or commercial premises next door to your property.
If you have chicken farms in the area, this tends to attract coyotes which may deter deer from your land.
There are many factors to consider when buying hunting property.
Overall, good hunting property is in high demand.
It is generally very attractive property that many people would love to own.
It tends to go up in price over time.
And depending in its size and location, you can lease it out to others if you choose to do so.
You can make improvements to the property to raise its value. You can build a simple cabin, or turn it into a beautiful family retreat to keep in the family for generations to come. The acreage you need to safely go hunting on your land, will depend on many factors- including your budget. But it is a goal worth planning to achieve. It is incredibly rewarding to own your own property and be able to enjoy as you please without answering to anybody else.